
Jacinta Mooney

Jacinta Mooney is a member of ISS Ireland’s recently created Pride Employee Resource Group and an ally of the LBGTQIA community. Although she has worked for ISS for almost 14 years, and has always considered it to be a genuinely inclusive business, she recognises the creation of the ERG is a milestone moment.

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"In some ways, it feels like we’re breaking new ground here,”  she explains.“Here in Ireland, we have always supported Pride, and because we’re an international business, we all work with a diverse group of colleagues in every sense."

But,” she acknowledges, “at a recent event we held in the office about sexual orientation and inclusion, I realised that we had never openly discussed anything directly related to someone’s sexuality in the office.” 

It’s a topic that is close to Jacinta’s heart, not least because she shares her home with her son and his husband, who married about 18 months after same sex-marriage was legalised in Ireland in 2015.  

I remember going to the polling station with my son,” she says, “and thinking how busy it was. And he said to me, “look at all the mammies!”. It wasn’t just the young people voted; you could see people of my generation and older voting – either for themselves, or on behalf of loved ones, or bothYou could tell from the looks on their faces that they were voting for change. It was a lovely moment.” 

It feels like we’re breaking new ground here; we’re really making progress. And my first priority is to support an inclusive culture where colleagues feel safe to be themselves in the workplace.

Jacinta Mooney, Credit Manager, ISS Ireland 
As the Pride ERG across the UK and Ireland builds its presence and looks ahead, Jacinta thinks there are a number of potential areas for action, both for those who are part of the LBGTQIA community and also their allies.   

The first priority is obviously to continue to build on the inclusive culture that I recognise from across the company and ensure all our colleagues feel safe to be themselves in the workplace, whatever their sexual orientation and whether they are out or not.
I also believe that, as an ally of the community, there’s real value in building that network of support and creating an opportunity for people like me – who love and respect the LBGTQIA community but are not a member of it – to share our experiences and offer advice, or just a friendly ear, to those who want to talk to us about themselves, a friend, a colleague or a loved one